
Fix Spacing Issues in Gutenberg Blocks

Starter Templates plugin offers an option to import Gutenberg Templates and Blocks Patters. You can directly import templates inside the block editor.

Sometimes, after importing a template, you might observe some spacing or alignment changes compared to the original template you previewed before importing.

If you are experiencing some spacing differences after importing Gutenberg templates or block patterns, you can fix it quickly.

All you have to do is use a simple custom code.

Paste the following code in your child theme’s functions.php file.

add_filter( 'astra_gutenberg_patterns_compatibility', '__return_true' );

Note: If you are an existing Astra user and updating it from previous versions to v3.3, then only you will need this. If you start using Astra from version 3.3 and above you will not need to add this code.

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