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How to fix Fatal Error / White Screen of Death?

There are times when you see a white screen as soon as you install a new plugin or theme on your website. This is called the White Screen of Death (WSOD). The WSOD shows a blank screen when you try to access your website. There can be many reasons for this situation. You can find the reason for this with simple debugging and will be able to fix it with a few simple steps.

Fixing Fatal Error or White Screen of death is easy if you have FTP access to the website.

Follow the steps below:

Astra White Screen

Step 1: Log into your server via FTP. If you need help with this, get in touch with your host.

Step 2: via FTP, navigate to {your_wordpress_site}/wp-content/plugins/ Here, find the folder that is related to the plugin you activated or updated. The name will be similar.

Step 3: Rename this folder. This will force WordPress to deactivate the plugin. For example: change the name from astra-addon to astra-addon-x.

Step 4: The problem should be resolved. If not, the plugin folder you renamed was not the culprit. Rename other plugins you suspect. Repeat the steps above until you find the culprit.

Step 5: Contact the developer of the plugin / theme.

Other Notes:

  1. Similarly, you can rename the theme folder and checking if it caused the issue by navigating to
  2. If you need help with the FTP and this debugging, just contact your host and share this article with them. Generally, they will be happy to help you with similar errors.

Below is the quick fix video by our friend Adam from WPCrafter. Video shows how to overcome the WSOD error.

YouTube video
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