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How to add a custom cart button in WordPress

By default, the Astra theme does not include the option to add a custom image to replace the cart icon. However, this can be achieved using a plugin. In this document, we will explain changing the cart icon using the plugin called “Custom Cart Button for WooCommerce eshop”.

Step 1: Download, install and activate

You can download this plugin from here. This is a free plugin and also has a pro version. You can choose a few different options to change the cart icons; however, for custom images, you might need to upgrade to the pro version of the plugin. Once you have downloaded the plugin from the WordPress store, please navigate to Plugins>Add New>Upload plugin. Browse and choose the downloaded plugin and click on install. Once the plugin is installed, please activate it by clicking on activate plugin button.

Step 2: Accessing the setting page

Once you have installed the plugin, navigate to the plugins and click on the settings of the plugins


Step 3: Changing the cart icons

Once you open the settings, scroll down to the Font Awesome images. You will see three different cart icon options. Choose one of them to be displayed on the shop page.

You can also choose the custom images as the cart icons once you upgrade to the Pro version of the plugin.

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