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Troubleshooting Common License Activation Issues

Activating your Astra Pro license is crucial. It unlocks access to automatic updates for the Astra Pro plugin, ensuring you always have the latest features and bug fixes. Additionally, license activation allows you to rollback Astra Pro to a previous version if needed.

However, you might encounter some issues during the activation process. This guide will equip you to troubleshoot common issues and get your Astra Pro license activated smoothly.

Before moving further, please make sure you have installed the Astra Pro Addon plugin on your website. This plugin enables the premium options for Astra theme and is required to activate the license.

Troubleshooting Common License Activation Issues

These are some of the most frequent issues encountered during Astra Pro license activation:

  1. “License Key is Not Valid” Error
  2. Blank Screen on License Page
  3. cURL Error 60

Now, let us look into steps to troubleshoot common issues and get your Astra Pro license activated smoothly.

1. Fix “License key is not Valid” Error

The License key is not valid error may appear due to any of the following reasons:

  • The license is expired
  • License already used on the website
  • Website connected with other license

To fix the issue, please follow the below steps:

1. Check if subscription is valid:

We provide single site activation to multiple site activation. If you are subscribed to a single site subscription then the license will show invalid if you try to activate it on more than one domain.

In such a case, please ensure the following:

  • Subscription is not expired. If the subscription is expired, you will see the invalid license error message.
  • You are subscribed to a license with multiple site activation.
  • If you’re using a single site license and wish to activate it on other websites, please upgrade the subscription to ten sites license.

2. Deactivate site from the License Page

If you have used the license on a domain and wish to transfer to another domain like from testing to live site, then there will be a requirement to free up the license from the domain.

This is also required if the same domain is used but there was a failed attempt to activate the license or it was previously activated and then Astra Pro plugin was uninstalled.

In such a case, follow the below options:

  • Navigate to the License page of the Brainstorm Force Store and there deactivate the site under manage license. Here is [a doc] to help you with the process.
  • Once the site is deactivated, try activating the license again.

Note: Before trying the activation again, please wait for sometime and then activate the license in the incognito window.

3. Checking the Firewall

It is necessary for the website to connect with the licensing server at store.brainstormforce.com. Please make sure the website is not blocked in the firewall from the security plugin or from the hosting provider.

2. Fix Blank Screen On the License Page

The license for Astra Pro can be activated from the Astra Settings in the WordPress dashboard. If you encounter a blank screen while visiting the Astra Settings page, please follow the below steps:

  • Flush the permalinks cache by saving them from the WordPress Settings > Permalinks.
  • Ensure the SSL is activated on the website and the HTTPS is used in the Site URL and WordPress URL.
  • Check for the error message under Tools > Site Health.
  • If you see errors related to the REST API, check server logs or get in touch with the hosting provider.

If nothing works, get in touch with our support team with the error message and screenshot so we can debug this further.

3. Fix cURL Error 60 Error While Activating the License

Please check if your site has an older version of OpenSSL. Our website is using a newly generated SSL certificate by Lets Encrypt, and this requires OpenSSL version 1.1.0 or later.

You can check the OpenSSL version on the site by going to WordPress Admin -> Tools -> Site Health -> Info -> Server (<your-domain>/wp-admin/site-health.php?tab=debug)

Further, to resolve this, you can contact the hosting provider to update the SSL Certificate version.

The above steps should help you fix the issue with the license activation on your website. If you still face the same issue, please feel free to contact us.

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