
Change the “Shopping Cart” Text for WooCommerce & EDD Mobile Header Cart

If you have the WooCommerce or EDD cart added to your websites’ mobile header, you might want to modify the cart title. Since Astra Theme version 3.5.0, this can easily be done.

WooCommerce & EDD Mobile Header Cart, Astra 3.5.0

With Astra Theme versions 3.5.0 and above you can change the default “Shopping Cart” text to anything you need to. 

Chnage the WooCommerce & EDD Cart Title, Astra 3.5.0

To do this, you would need to add a filter to the functions.php file in your Astra Child Theme. Please add the following code:

add_filter( 'astra_header_cart_flyout_shopping_cart_text', function() {
return 'My Shop Flyout Cart';
} );

You can change the title to any text you want – just modify My Shop Flyout Cart text in the code above.


For additional details on how to add a custom code to the functions.php file please see this article: How to Add Custom PHP Code?

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