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Whitelisting Astra Licensing Server From Your Hosting Firewall

While activating Astra Pro is typically straightforward, on highly secure servers, our licensing server may face blocking, resulting in random deactivations or activation challenges. In such cases, it becomes necessary to whitelist the Astra Pro licensing server to ensure a smooth activation process.

This document will walk you through the simple steps of whitelisting our licensing server on your hosting, guaranteeing a trouble-free experience when activating your Astra Pro license.

How to Whitelist Astra Licensing Server From Your Hosting Firewall

The Astra licensing server is hosted at `support.brainstormforce.com`, and all licensing requests use HTTPS on port `443`.

To access the hosting firewall, log in to your hosting provider’s dashboard or control panel.

Once there, navigate to the firewall or security settings in your hosting control panel.

Next, add a new rule allowing traffic to `support.brainstormforce.com` on port `443`. Keep in mind that due to CloudFlare proxies, there won’t be a static IP for our licensing server. Therefore, simply whitelist the domain `support.brainstormforce.com` without specifying an IP address.

After adding the rule, verify that your hosting firewall allows outgoing HTTPS requests to the specified domain and port. You can use a tool like `curl` or your browser to make an HTTPS request to `https://support.brainstormforce.com:443`. If the request is successful, your firewall is correctly configured.

By following these straightforward steps, you have successfully whitelisted the Astra licensing server.

We hope this article has been helpful. If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment below.

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