Podcasts are huge. Thanks to the convenience of being able to listen to them while doing other things, they have become something of a phenomenon. Anyone who wants to be anyone online has one and the majority of us listen to them.
As a relatively new and fast moving industry, digital marketing has its own share of podcasts. Some are superb and offer amazing insights and tips for promoting your business.
That’s why we created this page. To bring together the best digital marketing podcasts around right now.
To save you having to sift the good from the bad and prevent you wasting time on those podcasts that aren’t worth your trouble.
We asked the entire Brainstorm Force team what their favourite digital marketing podcasts were and listed them all right here.
What Are Digital Marketing Podcasts?
A digital marketing podcast uses the exceptionally popular audio format to discuss news, innovations, opinions, techniques and all manner of subjects on one of the widest areas of marketing.
Digital marketing is a huge subject covering every marketing activity that uses the internet, phones, computers or any digital device. As you can imagine, the depth and breadth of this industry covers a lot of ground.
Which is why digital marketing podcasts can be so useful!
Growth of Podcast
Podcast came out of nowhere and seemed to explode on the scene. 2020 onwards has seen huge growth in listeners with more people than ever tuning in regularly to podcasts and that continued throughout 2022 and likely into 2023.
According to Demandsage:
- There are 383.7 million podcast listeners globally.
- There will be a predicted 424 million podcast listeners worldwide by the end of 2022.
- As of June 2022, there are over 2.4 million podcasts with over 66 million episodes between them.
- Around a third of us listen to a podcast on a regular basis. That’s over 100 million people in the US alone and a potential 2.3 billion people across the world!
According to Buzzsprout, the average age of podcast listeners is 35-54 (43% of listeners) and more Americans listen to podcasts than have Netflix accounts.
If you’re trying to find a way to reach listeners in this demographic and are finding traditional methods lacking, podcasts could be the way to go!
Who Should Subscribe to Digital Marketing Podcasts?
Anyone who works in the industry or has an interest in working in the industry should subscribe to a digital marketing podcast.
If you want to learn more about marketing, want to break into the industry, want to learn more about how you are marketed at while online, or get ideas for your own business or marketing projects, podcasts are a good way to do it.
Benefits of Digital Marketing Podcasts

There are several benefits to listening to internet marketing podcasts.
Convenient Way to Consume Information
You can listen to podcasts anywhere. On the bus or train, while walking to work, while you’re exercising or doing housework, while at your desk or anywhere you can wear headphones and listen.
Informal and Conversational
Informality is now the default way to communicate information and podcasts are the perfect expression of that. They are conversations between the podcaster and the audience, or podcaster and guests and are a very modern way to convey information.
Podcasts are relatively time-efficient to make and to consume. We are all busy people with a lot going on. Being able to listen to a podcast at our leisure or create one within a couple of hours is a good use of our time.
Quality Over Quantity
Most good podcasters know they have to work hard to keep your attention so produce high quality podcasts as a result. With so much competition around, podcasters know they have to deliver consistent quality in order to maintain their audience.
Media on the Move
If you listen to podcasts on your phone, you will be pleased to know they use a lot less data than video. If you don’t have an unlimited data plan, that can be a significant benefit!
We’re sure you can think of other benefits of digital marketing podcasts but you get the idea.
How to Listen to Podcasts

Before we begin suggesting some digital marketing podcasts we think are worth listening to, let’s quickly cover how you listen to them.
On a Website
Many digital marketing podcasts will be featured on the corresponding website. They will usually be embedded on a page and come complete with an audio player.
Visit the page, hit play and turn the volume up. That’s all you need to do.
On Your Phone
Being able to listen on the move is a primary benefit of podcasts. iPhones have the Podcasts app already installed. Open the app, search for a particular podcast or browse the listings. Hit play and you’re good to go.
Android users will first need the Google Podcasts app. It’s free and can be downloaded from the Google Play store. Then you can search and browse to your heart’s content.
Other podcast apps are available.
Spotify, iTunes, RSS and Other Audio Platforms
Spotify, iTunes and other audio platforms also offer access to podcasts. You can perform a search or browse podcast listings to find all kinds of shows covering just about every subject you can think of.
Don’t forget to subscribe to a podcast once you find one you like. This is just like subscribing on YouTube or elsewhere. You will be alerted to a new podcast and it will feature in the Subscribed section of your app.
Want to start your own podcast? Here are the 10 best podcasts plugins for WordPress.
The Best Digital Marketing Podcasts
So, what digital marketing podcasts do we think worthy of your time?
1. Social Media Marketing Podcast

The Social Media Marketing Podcast is from the people at Social Media Examiner. It’s a high quality podcast that covers a wide range of subjects from social media marketing to Facebook Ads, Snapchat ads, retargeting and emerging technologies.
The podcasts are usually of a high quality and feature some very knowledgeable guests. Each is around 45 minutes long and can cover a lot of ground in a digestible way.
All podcasts are free to listen to and are available on the website or through the various podcast platforms.
2. Akimbo by Seth Godin

Seth Godin is a genuine leader in digital marketing and SEO and his podcasts are genuinely insightful. Not only does he cover a wide range of subjects on his own terms, he also has a novel question and answer section.
This section allows the audience to record a question on Seth’s website for it to be played and then answered within the podcast. This gives the subjects huge variety and means it will discuss a wide range of topics relevant to users.
Podcasts are usually between 20 and 40 minutes and can be listened to online or via an app.
3. Marketing Over Coffee

Marketing Over Coffee is a conversational podcast hosted by John J. Wall and Christopher S. Penn. Both are marketers and speakers and that comes across in their podcasts.
The subjects covered are often driven by news and will have insightful information as well as occasionally irreverent conversations around each subject. There are also discussions on best practices, technique and interviews with notable people from within the industry.
Podcasts tend to be between 20-35 minutes long and are accessible from the website or your favourite podcast app.
4. Marketing School

Marketing School is from Neil Patel and Eric Siu, two of the biggest names in marketing and SEO. This is an informative podcast full of genuinely useful information, insights, news, analysis and tips.
It’s a very commercial production with a very American tone so won’t work for everyone but if you can get over that, the information contained within each podcast is some of the best you can get.
Podcasts last anywhere from 5 minutes up to 35 minutes and are available everywhere you usually find them.
5. Mixergy

Mixergy is a collection of conversations, interviews, courses and discourse wrapped up as podcasts. They cover a wide variety of subjects from advertising, branding, marketing, social media and small business and entrepreneurship.
It’s another very commercial-sounding podcast but a lot of the subjects and tips they share are universal as long as you don’t mind the tone. Otherwise, this is an excellent resource for keeping up with news and views within digital marketing.
Podcasts last from around 20 minutes up to 60 minutes and are free to access from all the usual places, including the website.
6. The Business of Digital

The Business of Digital is a podcast hosted by Mat Siltala and Dave Rohrer. Both like to discuss a huge variety of subjects from content scheduling to social media marketing, how to use particular channels to promote and best practices for digital marketing.
There is a mix of set topics and Q&As from listeners to keep things interesting. Answers are in-depth and usually insightful so are well worth listening to.
Podcasts are typically around 15-30 minutes long and are available on the website, YouTube and the usual podcast sources.
7. How I Built This

How I Built This is a digital marketing podcast by Guy Raz on NPR. He covers stories, news, current events and interviews. He also covers the stories behind successful startups and businesses which offers great insight into how some of the more successful organizations became who they are today.
This podcast is less about how to market and more of a rounded discussion around business, success, entrepreneurship, how to approach business and marketing and a whole lot more. It can be very informative!
Podcasts last anywhere from 15 minutes all the way to 90 minutes. They are available on NPR and most podcast apps.
8. Exposure Ninja

Exposure Ninja is a digital marketing company based in the UK. It’s part digital marketing podcast and part SEO podcast and offers lots of insight into both.
The presenter is clear, concise and knows his stuff. He covers many elements of SEO, digital PR, marketing, sales funnels, conversions, lead generation and a lot more besides.
Podcasts can last from 10 to 45 minutes and are available on YouTube and podcast apps. Disappointingly, they are not available on the website.
9. Community Karma

Community Karma is run by Erin Jones and Carrie Hill. The two are very knowledgeable and seem genuinely enthusiastic about sharing knowledge and enlightening the audience around a wide variety of subjects around marketing and branding.
The production isn’t as sophisticated as some of these others but the information and conversations are well worth listening to. They aren’t the most frequent podcasts in the world but they are all of a good quality.
Podcasts last from 20 minutes up to 45 minutes and are available on Apple Podcasts.
10. This Old Marketing

This Old Marketing is a digital marketing podcast from the Content Marketing Institute. It is hosted by Joe Pulizzi and Robert Rose, who are both experienced marketers and experts in content. They also get on well and that comes through in every episode which makes it a joy to listen to.
This is a more polished podcast that covers subjects as diverse as social media to content strategies, predictions and passive income.
Podcasts last from 30 to 60 minutes and are available on the website and all the usual sources.
11. Everyone Hates Marketers

Everyone Hates Marketers is an irreverent digital marketing podcast hosted by Louis Grenier. Louis has a soft French accent and is very easy to listen to. He interviews movers and shakers from industry, shares news, insights and personal views around marketing.
As the name implies, it’s a different view than other podcasts and comes up with effective tips and strategies to handle digital marketing in a world where people are tired of marketing. A genuinely insightful podcast.
They can last anywhere from 30 to 90 minutes and are available on the website as well as other sources.
12. Online Marketing Made Easy

Online Marketing Made Easy is a digital marketing podcast from Amy Porterfield. She has been there and done that, including setting up her own business, growing it, marketing it and so she knows what she is talking about. That comes across in the podcast.
The podcasts are a mixture of interviews, discussion, news and views and insights into running a business, marketing, PR, digital, social media and a wide range of subjects.
Podcasts last anywhere from 40 to 90 minutes and are available on the website or podcast apps.
13. Today in Digital Marketing

Today in Digital Marketing is a digital marketing podcast hosted by Tod Maffin. It’s a discussion podcast with the occasional interview covering all kinds of subjects in digital marketing.
There is a lot of variety here, covering everything you could ever want to know about marketing, up to date news, current events, controversies and a range of tips and techniques for marketing. The delivery isn’t the smoothest but there is a lot of information delivered here.
Podcasts last from 7 minutes up to 60 minutes and are available on the website and podcast apps.
14. Marketing O’Clock

Marketing O’Clock is hosted by Greg Finn and Jessica Budde with the occasional guest and interview. This is a mix of digital marketing podcast and SEO podcast and covers a lot of ground in each episode.
This is another podcast that discusses a lot around the industry. There is a real emphasis on news and current events but there is a lot of knowledge, tips and tricks interwoven throughout. There is a lot to take in but a lot to learn, which is why this is a podcast to take notice of.
Podcasts last between 20 to 60 minutes and are available on all platforms.
15. The CMO Podcast

The CMO Podcast is hosted by former Procter & Gamble Chief Marketing Officer Jim Stengel. This guy knows what he is talking about and seems to carefully choose his subjects and interviewees to deliver interesting news and views on big business.
This is more an overview of how big brands perform their promotion and how they approach digital marketing. It’s a big picture type podcast rather than actionable tips but is very interesting nonetheless.
Podcasts last for around an hour but advertising and self-promotion takes up a lot of that.
16. Hack the Entrepreneur

Hack the Entrepreneur is a digital marketing podcast hosted by Jon Nastor. It’s a mix of news, reviews, interviews and opinion and can be a very interesting listen. Jon gets some high profile guests including Seth Godin. He also manages to ask intelligent and insightful questions which makes this podcast well worth listening to.
Subjects tend to be around how successful people got where they are, how they overcame challenges, how they marketed and sold their products. It’s an excellent way to see how successful people started out.
Podcasts can last up to an hour and are available on the website and podcast apps.
17. Kalicube Marketing Podcast

The Kalicube Marketing Podcast is a digital marketing podcast hosted by Jason Barnard. The format is mainly interviews that cover all manner of marketing subjects from cultural differences to SEO techniques.
There is a little something for everyone here. The host is very calm but enthusiastic and clear in descriptions. Questions can be intelligent and insightful and often bring out the best in guests.
Podcasts last 40 to 45 minutes and are available on the website and your favourite podcast apps.
18. The Paid Search Podcast

The Paid Search Podcast is an SEO podcast hosted by Chris Schaeffer and Jason Rothman. It does touch on other elements but the majority of topics revolve around SEO.
These podcasts are great for exploring new techniques, new search engine updates, exploring methodologies and generally exploring the often convoluted world of search engines. If you’re an SEO or want to learn more about the subject, this is where it’s at.
Podcasts last between 30 to 60 minutes and are available on the website and podcast apps.
19. The Smart Passive Income Podcast

The Smart Passive Income Podcast is a digital marketing podcast hosted by Pat Flynn. He’s a blogger and marketer who specializes in passive income and monetizing websites. He offers clear, concise insight into making that happen for you.
Podcasts are a mix of discussion, interviews, how-tos and insights that offer a unique view into marketing and website promotion.
The podcasts are typically around 30 to 40 minutes long and are available on the website and the usual places.
20. HBR IdeaCast

HBR IdeaCast is a podcast from Harvard Business Review. These are genuinely useful podcasts and while some of the subjects and delivery is a little dry, some of the guests make up for that.
Guests include academics, professors, business leaders like Bill Gates and the type of guests out of reach of many smaller organizations. While these can be work to listen to sometimes, the quality of coverage and insight makes it worthwhile.
Podcasts last around 20 to 35 minutes on average and can be accessed from the website.
21. Entrepreneurs on Fire

Entrepreneurs on Fire is a podcast by John Lee Dumas. Don’t be put off by the website and its clickbait headlines, the podcasts are actually very good.
Subjects cover topics around startups, entrepreneurship, marketing, promotion, running a business and a whole lot more. They don’t just cover marketing but a much wider range of topics, keeping things fresh each time.
Podcasts run around 20 to 30 minutes and are available from the website.
22. Edge of the Web

Edge of the Web is a combination digital marketing podcast and SEO podcast hosted by Erin Sparks and others. It’s a real mix of traditional marketing, SEO and general business promotion and it works well.
There is a mix of discussion, news, opinion, interviews and insight within these hour long podcasts, making them informative to listen to. The mix of guests covers a wide range, which also adds interest.
Podcasts are typically 60 minutes long and are available on the website or the usual podcast apps.
23. Startups For the Rest of Us

Startups For the Rest of Us is an approachable podcast hosted by Mike Taber and Rob Walling. While primarily based around marketing and promotion, these two are software entrepreneurs so a lot of business topics are also covered.
It’s a mixture of discussion, stories, interviews, news and insights into how businesses work, how to promote them and specific tips around how to promote using lessons from other businesses.
Podcasts last around 20 to 30 minutes and are available on the website, iTunes, Spotify and Stitcher.
24. Duct Tape Marketing

Duct Tape Marketing is a more focused digital marketing podcast hosted by John Jantsch. He is an experienced marketer with many years and a few books behind him.
Podcasts are mainly interviews with academics, experts, other authors, marketers and promoters. Topics cover a wide range of topics from technology to the customer journey and offer quite a few insights into areas of the industry we don’t usually get to see.
Podcasts last around 20 to 30 minutes and are available on Google Podcasts.
25. The Indie Hackers Podcast

The Indie Hackers Podcast is a business podcast hosted by Courtland Allen. This podcast isn’t just around marketing, more around people giving up the 9-5 to start their own companies, launch apps or games and generally go it alone.
Topics are wide ranging but tend to focus on developers who stop working for big business and launch their own venture. Interviews offer great insight into launching and growing a business with some marketing tips along the way.
Podcasts are an average of 60 minutes long and are available on the website and podcast platforms.
26. Ecommerce Influence

Ecommerce Influence is a digital marketing podcast from Aust Brauner and Andrew Foxwell. It’s focused around SEO and content marketing and covers a wide range of topics within these niches.
Podcasts are a mix of discussions, news, interviews and conversations around everything to do with content, how content drives engagement, SEO techniques and stories of how successful companies use content to drive growth.
Podcasts last between 30 to 45 minutes and are available on Stitcher.
27. Search Engine Journal

Search Engine Journal is an SEO podcast hosted by Loren Baker, founder of SEJ. It’s a very interesting podcast for anyone who wants to learn more about search, optimization, Google algorithms, the frequent changes and how businesses handle the ever-changing SEO landscape.
Podcasts are a mix of news, reviews, discussions and masterclasses in SEO and topics around that. The variety of guests cover all aspects of business and offer a great opportunity to widen your SEO knowledge.
Podcasts last between 30 to 60 minutes and are available on the website and main podcast platforms.
28. The Hustle And Flowchart Podcast

The Hustle And Flowchart Podcast is hosted by Joe Fier and Matt Wolfe. Their niche is building audiences and driving traffic using SEO, content and every trick in the book.
The podcasts are usually interview or story driven and include news, discussions, panels and general chats on how businesses can attract traffic and use content and SEO techniques to grow.
Podcasts range from 20 to 60 minutes long and are available on the website and your favourite podcast platforms.
Digital Marketing Podcasts
If you work in digital marketing or SEO or even have a passing interest in these topics, these podcasts provide a fascinating insight into how the wider industry works.
You get to learn new things, see the industry from a different perspective, meet new people and get the inside story of how big brands do business and how you can use some of their ideas for your own benefit.
We hope you get as much out of these podcasts as we do! Furthermore, if you run any kind of podcast, consider creating a website. We have stated five reasons why your podcast needs a website.
Do you listen to any of these digital marketing podcasts? Have any others to suggest? Tell us about it below!

Abhijeet Kaldate is the co-founder and CRO of Brainstorm Force. With a keen eye for detail and a knack for getting things done, Abhijeet oversees the company's operations, managing key areas such as HR, marketing, design and finance.
Disclosure: This blog may contain affiliate links. If you make a purchase through one of these links, we may receive a small commission. Read disclosure. Rest assured that we only recommend products that we have personally used and believe will add value to our readers. Thanks for your support!
This is an excellent resource, Sujay. Thanks for pulling together this list of marketing podcasts. With so many, I appreciate you sharing this consolidated list.
You did an excellent job on this post! Thanks for explaining this list. High quality podcast covered wide range of subjects from these list. I took services from tvdit.com for my company.
Glad to hear that our article has been helpful, Daniel! 🙂