1. Della Profile Pic

    I m using free version of Elementor and on a tight budget. It is possible to customize WooCommerce product page using any other free plugin?
    Please let me know.

  2. Bruno Profile Pic

    I have added rating widget in my product page using the method you have shown me in above post. But sadly it is not showing in google search results. Did I miss something?

    1. Team Astra Profile Pic

      Hello Bruno,

      Please ensure you have the Ratings enabled and some ratings provided to the respective product. 🙂

  3. Julian Profile Pic

    By doing this aren’t we are making our website slow? WooCommerce is already pretty heavy and with elementor, I don’t think this is good for performance.

    1. Team Astra Profile Pic

      Hello Julian,

      We have seen many users with a similar environment with WooCommerce and Elementor and they seem to be working fine. Do give it a try and see it goes. 🙂

  4. Cameron Profile Pic

    Very nice tutorial, only have one problem. My related product images are not displaying well. Like they are not the same size.
    How can I fix this?

  5. Briana Gaffney Profile Pic

    I appreciate the way you have written and explained. Before this, I didn’t know that Elementor’s WooCommerce Builder gives that much design flexibility to visually customize product pages; I must say that it is easy to customize product pages to make them unique.

  6. Elmira Profile Pic

    Thank you for the article! I’m building my product page, and I’m not too fond of the default view. I searched for How to Customize the Product Page in WooCommerce and found your guide; I will try to implement this.

  7. Miss Ng Profile Pic

    Hello Team, I want to thank you for this great tutorial. This is what I was looking for – a custom product page based upon the category. Very well explained.

  8. Sherril Sherrod Profile Pic

    Hello, We are using Astra with Elemento Pro. We have created a template for the archive products. But unable to display a sidebar on the archive page. We want the always-on sidebar to display; how can we display a left sidebar on the archive product page?

  9. Albertina Profile Pic

    Detailed information on how to customize the WooCommerce Product Page. It easy to follow and implement. Thanks for sharing this.

  10. Lars Thyregod Profile Pic

    It seems that when using Elementor Theme builder to create custom design for single product, All Schema info about the product is lost. Is there any fix to include the astra Schema markup in Elementor custom design?

    Let me know if you need any documentation on this.*

    1. Team Astra Profile Pic

      Hello Lars,

      Sorry, we are unaware of the issue. Can you please open a support ticket with the findings in a detailed manner so that our team can get it resolved quickly? Looking forward to hearing from you.

  11. eva Profile Pic

    I can’t find the product navigation when creating a new WooCommerce product page using Elementor, can you help me

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